Priddey Marketing

Get your Free Copy of 2021 ‘Signposts for Businesses’

Priddey Marketing is offering free growth support through OxLEP

Priddey Marketing has been engaged by OxLEP to offer free 1-2-1 marketing support for Oxfordshire-based businesses, from June 2021 to April 2022.

What is OxLEP?

The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) supports the Oxfordshire business community with access to advisors, events and funding. Su Copeland, CEO of Priddey Marketing, is providing advisory support to OxLEP’s Growth Hub and Peer Network programmes. If you are based in Oxfordshire, you can apply through completing their online business support tool.

Business Insight

The results of the business support tool, dubbed the ‘triage triangle’, are published anonymously and make interesting reading.  

In June 2021, the results were overwhelmingly requests or help with business growth. From over 1200 businesses, the top requests were for help with growth :

  1. Grow my customer base (76%)
  2. Improving my communications and marketing (52%)
  3. Upskill staff or expand the workforce (49%)
  4. Develop a business plan for growth (50%)

Oxfordshire ‘Triage Triangle’, reproduced by kind permission from OxLEP.

As a result of this and our own research speaking with previous advisers and OxLEP, it was noted that business clients were asking very similar questions about

  • Marketing and Business Planning Resources
  • Networking
  • Funding and Finance
  • Meeting and Work Spaces

Therefore, in order to optimise our 1-2-1 sessions and make it easier for local people to access this information, we have created a document with lots of helpful quick links.

How to Get your copy of 2021 Signposts for Oxfordshire Businesses

If you would also like a free copy of the “2021 Signposts for OxLEP.pdf”, email Su on  with Please send me my 2021 Signposts for Businesses in the subject line.