Priddey Marketing


Marketing strategy and implementation for business leaders working in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and manufacturing. Insight on strategy such as vision and mission, ideal client profiling, messaging, research, creating the plan, metrics, internal processes. Implementation insight such as digital marketing, events, collateral and multimedia. Oxfordshire based, supporting individual and companies across the UK.

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Know Like Trust

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make the difference. I’m often surprised when I’m speaking with people which points resonate most with them. Recently I ran a workshop and was lucky enough to get some feedback direct from one of the delegates a couple of days later. He said that one of the ‘nuggets’ he

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ChatGPT and Content

Recently I was invited to attend an Oxford/Wales biotech collaboration event hosted by Sue Rees MediWales and Mischon de Reya.  There was an incredible line-up of speakers. And I had a lightbulb moment regarding ChatGPT and content. The presentation on AI and ChatGPT was given by Professor Nigel Crook. Professor Crook has one of the

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