Priddey Marketing

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Human-to-Human Marketing: The Changing Trends

“Human-to-human marketing” is a phrase you’ve probably heard.

It is linked to the buzzword ‘authenticity’ which has new meaning in this online, TEAMS/Zoom-led world.

There are many advantages to human-to-human marketing, one being that the right person can be contacted directly.

Secondly, this approach also consequently means the distinction between ‘B2B’ (business to business) and ‘B2C’ (business to consumer)’ is blurred.


Throughout these blog posts, we have discussed the importance of focusing on an ‘ideal client’.

Similarly, it’s like presenting at a large conference, where you only focus on one person in the audience at a time.

So hearing more people talk about “Human-to-Human marketing” (or “H2H”) is simply an extension of this idea.

Changes in Marketing

Marketing has moved away from the cold sales pitch, focusing more on communicating and nurturing relationships with people.

This is exactly why one of my mantras is:

‘Your ideal client is a person, not a building’.

The laboratory, office, manufacturing plant, or engineering department doesn’t buy your product or service; it’s the person within that buys.

Contact with this person (the decision maker) is again much easier as it’s commonplace to now work from home.

Equally, it’s more authentic interaction when interrupted by children, or pausing to answer the front door.

Not to mention when the dog or cat jump into view!

Dress Informally

Along with entering into clients’ and investors’ homes, there is a wider tolerance to disturbances, as well as a more relaxed approach to appearance with the “suit and tie” persona no longer expected.

Equally, there is a higher tolerance for human flaws.

It is accepted for things to go wrong, like when the internet gutters or ‘you’re on mute’.

This is now widely used in marketing strategies to humanise the business.

Adjusting Your Marketing Strategy; Be More Human

Finally, it is known that people buy from people.

In addition to showing your authentic self, and being clear about your ideal client, your organisation or business becomes more appealing.

If you need help with identifying or communicating directly with your ideal client, click here.

Alternatively, you can contact us at +44 (0)1235 606077 or, or book a 15-minute chat directly with Su on her Calendly link.

P.S. We’re human too 😊